
Published on September 26th, 2017 | by Guest


Best Ways To Make Your Bathroom Kid Friendly

While children are adorable, certain things will truly test your patience when you have kids at home. One of these is sharing your bathroom. Children can be really messy and at the same time very careless. Your bathroom is one place where you need to maintain sanity. With kids, it becomes even more essential as they are more vulnerable and delicate. Careful supervision is also important to ensure your child’s safety as bathrooms can be slippery or have tools that may hurt your child.

You can, however, overcome the situation, and create a kid’s friendly bathroom by adopting few strategies and organization skills. Some of these convenient tips are listed below, so do check them out.

1. Choose either a big sink or two adjacent sinks:

Depending on the amount of space you have in your bathroom, it is advisable to give a larger space to a rectangular undermount sinkYou may install two taps spaced out or have two separate ada bathroom sinks side by side. This will work for you as kids usually want to be accompanied. They would either hang around their siblings or would stick to you while you are in the bathroom. In such a situation, more than one person can use the sink and make your bathroom a kid’s friendly bathroom.

2. Storage Space Management:

Significant point to be noted is that you would have a heap of stuff when you have kids. Apart from specific toiletries for kids, their favourite shower heads bath toys, their separate towels, bubbles, etc. Kids demand a lot of baby stuff and may even want their own little baskets for keeping their stuff, their own teeny tiny dustbins, etc. It is therefore advisable that you keep a larger storage space. This will keep your headache of things falling and creating a mess in the bathroom away. For a kid’s friendly bathroom, only keep on display your kid’s stuff in an easily accessible way, like low weighted hooks, etc. so that they do not fall and get hurt.

3. Get step stools for younger kids:

Making things more convenient for kids is a big step towards avoiding mishappenings. Get stools that are of low height so that they do not get hurt even if they fall accidentally. This allows them to reach out to things and wash basins easily. As kids are really inquisitive, they tend to climb and jump to reach out to places inaccessible to them. Making things accessible, therefore, restricts such habits.

4. Decorate the bathroom:

Another aspect of making the bathroom kids friendly is decorating it with stickers, family photos and other such stuff your kids love. A kid’s friendly bathroom must be designed in a way that may lure them to it. Choose the colors they love, the designs of the curtains that attract them and also the bath toys they adore. Small slogans or their favorite cartoon images, certainly give a positive effect to the kids. Kids love to imitate Donald duck bathing in a bath tub! Try to keep the bathroom bright and lively.

5. Completely tile your walls:

Water splashes, shampoo, and soap splashes will be a very common thing in your Kid’s bathroom. To avoid your bathroom walls from getting soggy and difficult to clean, it is advisable to tile up the walls. Tiled walls are much easier to clean and do not retain any water. Even a weekly cleanup can help avoid making the walls look yellow and dirty.

6. Ensure proper lighting:

Kids friendly bathroom must ensure proper lighting to avoid accidents. Make sure to replace dysfunctional lights and bulbs before your kid trips in the bathroom. The lighting should be good enough to illuminate every corner of the bathroom. Kids also get scared of dark corners. A well-lighted bathroom also looks lively and encourages children to use it more.

7. Keep electrical appliances away:

If you share your bathroom with your kid, it is very likely that you may have hair dryers, straighteners or electric shavers in your bathroom. Ensure that all such things are carefully used and packed up in your storage space away from the reach of children. It is also important to ensure that the electric sockets etc. are not left open. Since the bathroom is very likely to be wet all the time, there may be electric leakages that can cause shocks. We also, therefore, recommend using rubber bathroom slippers before entering the bathroom. These healthy practices will surely make your bathroom kids friendly.

8. Keep away bathroom cleaners or any such chemical:

Kids instinctively put anything new they find in their mouth. The bathroom cleaners, washing powders or insect killers can be hazardous for your kids. Kids do get attracted to such things and want to ingest them. Kid’s friendly bathroom will ensure these products are away from kids kept in storage.

9. Use Shower Curtains:

Using shower curtains is a much better option than glass doors. Sliding the glass doors, again and again, may cause injuries to kids. Moreover, it feels more spacious and comfortable with curtains as they can be shrunk and folded. Making the bathroom more spacious is an intelligent step towards making it kids friendly.

10. Be careful of hot water burns:

Kids have soft, delicate skins. They are very sensitive and susceptible to a lot of accidents. It, therefore, becomes our duty to take the utmost care with them. Hot water burns can be very hurtful and may scare your child to the core. For best bathing experiences it is essential to building happy memories in the child’s head. One must always check the temperature of the water before any kid starts bathing. Kids will always be in a hurry, so ensure that you have prepared the water before taking them to the bathroom. You can avoid this situation by using best thermostatic shower panel: or any similiar kind of digital shower controls.

A kid’s friendly bathroom may just not mean the right accessories. It also involves a lot of care and wisdom. Always accompany your child to the bathroom for his safety. Also never do anything in haste to ensure your child’s safety.

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