Top most business intelligence trends in 2017
In past decades, most of the business executives find tuff times in analyzing their business within a short period of time and struggled in taking business decision faster due to improper data discovery. By rising business competition and advancing trends in analytics, numerous business intelligence tool has been introduced to get direct analysis on business strategies, operations, and investments in growing enterprises. The recent trends pave a new way for business intelligence, many organization began embracing the modern approach to drive a more success in their business. Business intelligence is becoming the way of the future, but there are a few different factors to consider when choosing the best system software for your enterprise.
Modern BI
In previous years the manual analysis consumes more amount of time and business folks were finding very difficult to analyze it then later on much agile business intelligence has been developed to gain interactive visualization in business. 2017 business strategy has been become more advanced and gives more insights to the business managers.
What does the modern BI?
2017 modern business intelligence trends provide agile tools to move their business one step further to achieve their goals soon. The business of all level can benefit from powerful business analytic tools and moving analytics from the hands of many to single without dependence on IT. Most of the organizations replaced traditional analytics into a self-service analysis which is very easy-to-use and gives intuitive modern business intelligence platforms that enable self-service at scale. Business users gained the ability to perform analytics through dashboards and drive decisions.
Self-Service BI
The self-service analytics has become the standard as well as recent trends in business because which completely reduce the dependence on IT. With these new innovations in the business world, everyone will be able to tackle and reduce the report backlogs also rid off from being more stressed with analytics. By change in the transition traditional to self-service data analytics, business managers can make sure or give access for data accessible to the entire organization and ensures that the team is working in a safe data environment.
Data discovery
Data visualization allows us to use our brains’ visual pattern recognition capabilities to digest and identify the most relevant information faster. In this modern era, the analytics tools are so moderate when compared to previous decades. The performance analysis dashboard is designed to develop to gain deep insights into your business. It provides multiple services like analysis, deeper Data discovery, Integration Services, Reporting Services and maintaining the data in an appropriate way. The data discovery has been designed with a new advanced method called search-driven analytics which is search-based data discovery for humans to discover the searched data in the dashboard by saving a huge amount of time. Even the big data can be integrated and discovered using search-based analytics.
Collaborative analytics
In 2017, the collaborative analytics plays a more way for business because the admin can able to share or grant access to make collaboration with the team or inside the organization. By collaboration, people can share live, interactive dashboards and data sources to drive business decisions. They can able to build on each other’s work, clarify doubts, and iterate to answer their own questions. The better collaborative brings the more creative idea to the business and these meta-trends would pave a new way for the upcoming trends in 2018. This allows a safe and secure environment for anyone to discover the capabilities at their fingertips.
More natural interaction
Business intelligence can assist the organization to predict all sorts of things involved in business, from what products to discontinue to which marketing campaigns really resonated with customers. The BI technology has been improved a lot and brings more interaction in analyzing the business. In 2017, the data can be analyzed in a more natural way using pivot tables, Filters, drill down, cross over, charts, graphs, etc. This gives more specific insights than compared to older methods. The users can integrate data, discover insights with charts and even more which is accessible by letting people interact with data using more natural way without any coding techniques.
Smartphone BI
With the rising advancement, so many business folks have no time to analyze their business in desktop or other non-portable in which they are finding more comfort with smart analysis using smart phones. These trends have been increasing more in 2017 where the important decision can be made anytime with portable and compact smart phones. The users are finding much friendly to analyze their data and business statistics while driving or in held-up with some other work.
Big and variety of data have become available to all business units/departments, and each one has its own specific reporting needs. In 2017, the business analytical reports can generate quickly without waiting for a week or monthly. Instant report creation that brings up an experience of using true self-service business intelligence tools. These recent trends will reduce the report backlogs and amplify your customers by highlighting the ups and down in business. In 2017 and in the upcoming year the value of data will no longer be judged by size. It won’t matter whether it is about big data or a simple Excel spreadsheet. Business users can explore data of all types, shapes, and sizes, and share insights and make perfect decision-making in their business. Stop worrying about analytics and go with search data analytics to get desired data in short period of time.
A business Intelligence tool is a great way to achieve success in business. When used efficiently, they can provide spectacular results in no time. These recent trends seemed to drive the greater success in business.
The new trends of business intelligence analytics can make comprehend the people who may not even experience with data analytics. It empowers its users by driving innovative business decision-making by enabling them to develop, maintain and gain robust experience. The user can understand all the data in the business bucket and create highly sustainable reporting solutions with business intelligence dashboards.
Author Bio:
Selvaraj Rangaswamy is a Founder and CEO of Blue cubes Technologies. He is graduated in the university of Madras, Chennai. He is a passionate blogger & traveler where he launched a product called Roosboard which is a business intelligence dashboard for enterprise to make quick analyze of data with Search Based Analytics. Visit to know more about business dashboard.