10 Most Common Security Attacks That Will Kill Your WordPress Blog [Infographic]
If you have been blogging for quite a while, it might be a challenge keeping up with the demands of your followers. There are times when they expect something new from you. Of course, you can’t come up with quality posts all the time. This is where the need for a guest contributor comes in.
There is nothing wrong in letting someone write in your blog especially if this person has a voice that deserves to be heard. Just be careful though not to trust anyone as they might have bad plans for you. Instead of contributing to your site, they could cause security attacks to ultimately kill your blog.
These contributors must be properly screened. It should be clear that their goal is to help you. They must not be from a competing blog. There should also be some sort of test just to let you know how sincere they are in making contributions to your site.
Even if you have accepted some writers to contribute to your blog, it doesn’t mean they are given full access. They must still submit all the articles to you and you should be the only one with full access to the page and post their articles. Otherwise, you have just opened the doors for potential hackers.
You have worked hard for your blog to remain popular. Don’t let anyone kill it. The infographic below shows some others tips on preventing security attacks that could kill your blog. Again, there is nothing wrong in trusting other writers, but be careful whom to give your trust to.