How to find the perfect business partner for your new start-up [Infographic]
Getting set up in business requires more than the support of a good few friends – it needs a business partner who is right for the job. While your instinct may be to go with someone you’ve known for years, chemistry is not qualification enough for this sensitive task. Rather, you need someone who complements your own skill set and personality type. It may mean going online to place advertisements or to shop around on LinkedIn, or it may mean determinedly attending as many real-life networking events and seminars as possible. But these steps are meaningless if you don’t first identify the kind of person it is you seek.
For example, if your start-up is the result of a brilliant idea you’ve had and you possess a tremendous vision to make it work, you may need someone who is capable of dealing with the nuts and bolts of the business. You are the one who lays out the map, and who takes the risks – but your partner is the one who takes care of the technical side, of making sure things get done, who engineers your idea into reality.
If you’ve spent the last months in your study, figuring out the finer facts and details of your plan, and you have detailed ideas but no money behind them, perhaps what you need is a salesperson-type to help you finance and market your service. Not everyone is a natural talker, but the right negotiator can make all the difference to the economics of your new company.
Of course, it’s not as though anybody of the right type will do. You also need to get to know them for at least a year so you can develop trust and be sure that you get on well and share a vision. But it’s no good wasting this period on someone who can only replicate the skills you already bring to the team. For this reason, you may want to check out this new infographic from Business Backer. It gives a full guide to figuring out the type of partner who is right for you. All that’s left is to get out there and find them!