Tools that help you to write excellent content for your site
Here are a few tools you can use to create content for your website and/or blog. Some will help you create written content; others will help you create visual and media content in which you may embed your message. All of the tools will help you create content that is engaging and user friendly.
Why would you need a plot generator for website content and/or blog content? The reason is that you are going to run out of ideas, especially when you are writing your blog. You will need a fresh perspective or at least a change of tone in order to come up with new ideas. Jerry Schoemaker said, “I think I am about 5 for 500 when it comes to successful ideas vs flops.” Most of your ideas are going to be terrible, but it is a numbers game. Eventually, you will come up with another good idea for web content and/or blog content.
The plot generator tool will help you come up with a great many ideas so long as you keep using it with an open mind. It is not just about content ideas, it will also help you come up with new atmosphere and tone ideas for your promotions and new web updates.
A meme, by definition, is any parcel of information. However, these days the word meme is commonly used to refer to images that have captions on them. Usually they are used to make a point or to be funny. For example, somebody may make a point by showing a hippy woman and saying, “She believes in freedom of speech” and then underneath writes, “But files for harassment when you disagree with her.”
The funny ones have their own traditions at this point. There are images that have not only been used so many times that they are instantly recognizable on their own, but also that have their own back stories as people claim they are the person(s) featured on the memes. You may use the Meme Generator to make your own memes that you may put on your website. Not only will they make your content a link more exciting, they may also be indexed by Google images, which may in turn bring you more traffic.
Ignore the things it says about your writing with regards to the rating it gives. There are no useful rating systems in the world. There are no computer programs on earth that are able to understand the concepts behind what you are writing about, nor can they understand your style or the meaning of your work, ergo there are no tools that can accurately rate your work.
However, the paper rater tool is good for picking up the spelling and grammar errors that your word processor checker may have missed. It is good at pointing out what may be potential typos, and it is very efficient at what it does. It is actually quicker than using your word processor spelling and grammar checker, and it is free to use.
Here you are actually able to have other people write your content for you. Hire a team of specialists to write highly researched content that you own as your own. They sell their custom work with full rights, which means you are able to use the content on your website and even for commercial gain, and you are able to do it legally because you own the rights to the work. You may even write your name on it too if you wish. The ordering system is easy to use, you are able to get a no-obligation quote in real time, and you can pick the deadline for when you get it back. In addition, they custom write your content, so you will not receive plagiarized or re-written content. You will get back exactly what you wanted as per your specifications.
Using a writing company to write your blog posts may be a good idea. As Scott Adams said, “When blogging, all you get is the pleasure of a completed task.” He is the same guy that said blogging is the same as being at work with the exception of not having co-workers thwart you at every turn.
Want a piece of YouTube video so you may edit it, then grab it with this clip-grabbing tool. You are able to capture a series of videos and record them to your computer. When you have them on your computer, you may edit and change them so that you may add them to your website.
You may be tempted to embed the YouTube video into your website, but this is not always feasible. For example, you may simply want a small clip from a larger video, so all you have to do is download the video with the clip grabbing tool, edit the clip with something such as Microsoft movie maker so that the video only shows the clip you wanted, and then post it on your website.
This tool is another spelling and grammar checker, and it is annoying because it only allows you to check 300 words at a time unless you sign up for an account. However, it is special for the fact it is very good at finding where you have incorrectly used a comma. If you struggle with commas because you are never 100% sure if your text should or shouldn’t have one, then this may be the tool for you. It is also a reasonably good spell checker that may still find errors that your word processor spell checker did not.
A gif is a form of animation. It runs through a series of images to create an animated effect, and they are used online to send a very user-friendly and simple message. They play on repeat and automatically so that the viewers do not have to press play as they do with videos. They also have an advantage over video because they do not feature sound, which many web page users are pleased about because unwanted noises are annoying when browsing the Internet. They start right away and do not need to load such as videos do, and captions may be added. They are also easier to manipulate and splice together in order to create a more compelling animation.
Using Instagiffer, you may take movie clips or a series of images and manipulate them as you like. It even allows you to run things in reverse, which is not something many videos allow you to do. The website containing the tool is also very helpful because it shows you how to use the tool and how to get the visual effects you desire. Gifs are a very non-intrusive and fun entertainment feature, which is why Google+ has done so well by focusing on them over videos.
Quick Writing Tips
Run your text through a word or phrase counter tool to see if there are any words you have used excessively. If there are, then whip out your thesaurus and change them.
Look at how much content your competitors have to judge how much you should have. Plus, see if you are repeating what they are saying.
There are no right or wrong words. There are only words that suit your target audience. Be prepared to scare some people off with what you write.
Author bio:
Laura Johnson is a creative writer and a blogger. She spends a lot of time inventing different ways to solve uncommon digital problems. She likes sport and reading.