Project 4K Television Directly Onto Your Wall
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We have come a long way from the days of console televisions. They may have been large televisions because of the size of the console, but in reality, they were just bulky pieces of furniture with typically small viewing screens. The evolution of televisions have seen them go from being part of a larger furniture piece, to large screen televisions that would take multiple people to move, to the wide array of flat screen televisions that are currently on the market.
The Evolution of Televisions
The sure size of some of the televisions on the market is astounding. Televisions went from being included in pieces of furniture, such as the console televisions, to being extremely small and portable. Televisions have also gone from the traditional televisions requiring the tubes to flat screens.
Along with moving to flat screens, it is quite common to mount a flat screen television on the wall instead of placing it on a tabletop. With the move to wall mountable flat screen televisions comes the overall switch in the TV viewing experience. When you have a home where your flat screen television is on the wall and you have a surround sound system installed, you move away from the standard TV viewing experience to one that is more akin to a movie theater experience.
To add to that feeling of being in a movie theater, or to accommodate peoples need for a larger viewing screen, the sizes of television screens have increased dramatically. Televisions can be as small as less than 27 inches to well over 70 inches. Televisions are doing something else as well in an effort to get even larger, they are moving to projector televisions. These project 4K televisions are the wave of the future. Instead of sitting and watching a traditional flat screen television, they cast an image onto the wall of your choosing.
It is not just a Projector
Anyone believing that the concept of a projector TV will have the quality of an old movie projector, or the type of projector used for slideshows in a classroom, is off the mark when it comes to the true power behind the 4K projector television. These are not merely projectors. These projectors have the picture clarity of four high definition televisions in one screen. Images are going to be crisper, details much more clear, and you will feel immersed into whatever world you are in when the projector is in use.
Do you enjoy your Direct TV movies on demand and currently enjoy those movies in HD? Do you or members of your family get a bit frustrated that you cannot sit as close as you like to the TV because the pixelating becomes a bit too much so you have to keep all seating areas far away from the TV? The power of this 4K television is such that you can move your couch or lounger close to the wall in which you will be watching your shows or movies.
You can enjoy your favorite movies on a screen that is 147 inches but much clearer than any HD television you have ever used previously. When watching your TV shows you can view them on a 66-inch screen, with no change in clarity. With the projector 4K television, soon we will all truly feel like we are in the midst of the action of whatever we are watching.