4 Key Goals for Online Marketing in 2015
The new year is here, so there is not a better time to put in place a new online marketing strategy. Which techniques and marketing channels can you perfect in 2015? Which new tendencies can set you and your business apart from the remaining competition? What can be done differently in order to succeed?
In this article four goals will be discussed that, if applied, can be keys to a successful marketing strategy, which will have a very positive impact on results.
Being “Costumer Centered”
One of the virtues brought to us by inbound marketing is the reorientation of several marketing campaigns to a place where the goal is to make things turn around the client (or potential client). But being “costumer centered” is not just flashing some tweets with new offers, huge discounts or opportunity to buy certain products of services. In fact, being “costumer centered” goes way beyond, actually reaching the insides of SEO strategy.
For example, when companies want to start a blog, they should respond not only to the desired keywords in terms of SEO, but also doubts and questions that potential clients might have when contacting with the company. This tells the client that the company cares about the customer, making the decision to opt for that company a bit easier to take. A good resource for knowing the basics to start a blog is here.
Paying Attention to the Web Digital Analytics
Taking business decisions based on data is essential in order to optimize efforts and resources. And, contrarily to what many people think, there is more life beyond the number of visits, time of each session, and so on. Geography of the visitors or comparisons between the results of each marketing channels are just a couple of examples of this.
In fact, this is why web digital analytics exists: to give marketeers and business owners a deeper insight over what is going on in their websites, and taking advantage of that data from a financial and business point of view.
Build and Perfect the Buyer Personas
Companies that are able to comprehend how diverse and segmented their clients are and, therefore, divide them by specific profiles, tend to have better results and better profitability – also something that can be made resorting to the aforementioned web digital analytics.
There is not a standardized way to identify which characteristics make up a buyer persona, as they can be very diverse depending on the company’s nature, its economic sector or how fierce the competition is. Still, a deep analysis of the analytics, as well as a collection of the (potential) client’s personal information can be quite helpful. But be aware: there is no point in getting a huge chunk of data if it cannot be properly analyzed and utilized.
Selling More
Let’s be clear: 100% of companies have this thought for 2015. It is something that everyone wants, but not everyone is capable of doing so. In terms of companies working in the balance with the online and offline worlds, this barrier between them can sometimes be a misty one, where companies cannot fully understand it, thus not taking full advantage of it.
Online and offline are not separate anymore, they are “one”. In terms of marketing, it is vital for any company to synchronize efforts both in offline and online marketing and, even though the latter is taking the place of conventional marketing, both are still vital.
In addition, selling is a question of mentality. The sale is not the end of anything, but the beginning of a new sale. Data offers businesses the ability to offer the best possible services to costumers, meeting their exact requirements, so companies should take advantage of this upper hand.