
Published on August 20th, 2012 | by KamikazeXeX


Xbox360 Updates

In addition to my game reviews, fixes and tutorials i will also post information regarding the “modding” of the Xbox 360 such as C4EVA’s LT+ custom DVD drive firmware and the reset glitch hack (Originally founded by Tiros and GliGli BIGGG thanks to them guys!)


This “Custom Firmware” aka CFW is what enables Xbox60 users to play what is known as backups or more commonly referred to as “Pirated Games”, there has always been some confusion around as to why everything has different names like “backups”, “copies” etc. etc. basically a backup is a copy of an original disk you have purchased from a store for the full RRP you have just burned a copy of this to protect your original, this is perfectly LEGAL however a copy aka a “pirated copy” implies you do not own the original of the game and have just downloaded/dumped the ISO and burnt a copy of the game to play, this is ILLEGAL and you could face a hefty fine for being caught playing one, it is your  responsibility as to what happens if you do get caught

RGH (Reset Glitch Hack)

The RGH is basically the newer version of the well-known JTAG hack available on the xbox360 which was discovered September last year by Tiros and GliGli which i thank so greatly for the work and effort they put in, the RGH is basically a hardware hack that sends out a reset pulse the Xbox’s CPU (brain) to glitch the Hypervisor (the only piece of code in the Xbox OS that has admin rights) into running unsigned code regardless of kernel/dash version on both “PHATS” and “SLIMS” whereas the JTAG hack was only there until 2.0.7371.0 which is then when Microsoft patched it with the 2.0.8599.0 dash  around August 2009 (some versions of the 2.0.7371.0 dashes have the already patched CB, this may be because it was sent to Microsoft for a repair around that time).

Yet again Microsoft have patched another exploit on the Xbox360 when they released the dash 2.0.15572.0 they patched the rc4 hash calculation code to now generate the key via another method so now the RGH hack is dead unless you already have your CPU key and a exploitable dump of your xbox360’s nand

Thanks to the folks at TX (Team Xecuter) we can once again glitch our Xbox360 consoles!



My job here will be to keep you all updated on what’s going on the Xbox360 scene, whether it’s a new firmware update for your DVD drive, a new dash update with new planned features or Microsoft patching things so keep an eye out for my posts marked with the xbox360 logo if you are interested in keeping up to date with your knowledge from within the Xbox360 development scene!

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