
Published on July 25th, 2024 | by Bibhuranjan


Cold Emailing Stats That Will Transform Your Outreach Strategy

Are cold emails still relevant in 2024?

This question is on the minds of every marketer and SDR.

With the emergence of new channels to reach prospects, some might think email marketing has lost its edge.

However, recent statistics tell a different story.

Cold emailing remains a powerful tool for generating leads and driving engagement, with an ROI of $43 for every $1 spent.

To be successful, you need the right cold emailing tools and strategies.

In this write-up, we will dive into the key cold email stats to watch out for in 2024 that will transform your outreach strategy.

20+ Cold Email Statistics To Watch Out For In 2024

General Cold Email Statistics

1. An average sales rep spends 21% of their day writing emails

Cold emails are a great way to reach prospective clients, but writing them is not easy.

Salespeople or SDRs spend a considerable amount of their time crafting these emails, including researching prospects, finding email addresses, and drafting personalized messages.

A HubSpot study revealed that a sales rep spends an average of 21% of their day writing emails.

This is a significant time investment and may not be practical if you have many prospects to reach out to.

Therefore, it’s essential to leverage the right cold emailing tool to streamline and optimize the process.

2. 80% of consumers prefer email as their primary business communication channel

Consumers today are inundated with various communication channels, yet email remains the preferred choice for 80% of them, as highlighted in a study.

This preference underscores the importance of email in business communications.

You should capitalize on this by creating targeted email campaigns that cater to consumer preferences.

By focusing on personalized emails, you can enhance customer engagement and ensure your messages are well-received and acted upon.

3. Average cold email conversion rate is 0,7%

The conversion rates for cold emails can vary widely. On average, the conversion rate is a modest 0,7%, but with effective strategies, this can rise to a commendable 4,2%. This was highlighted in a study by Breakcold.

The study further states that if you know how to write a good cold email, you can close 4 customers for every 100 cold emails sent.

According to their data, a good reply rate is above 15%.

Achieving a higher conversion rate requires well-crafted emails that relate with recipients. This involves writing personalized content, compelling subject lines, and clear calls to action.

4. 73% of B2B professionals believe in the power of email prospecting

Email is a strategic approach for reaching potential clients and generating leads.

The State of Prospecting 2024 report by Sopro highlighted that a significant 73% of B2B professionals agree that email prospecting is a powerful tool for exploring new market segments.

The report further highlighted Friday as the best day to send emails, followed by Thursday and Monday, with Tuesday and Wednesday being the least effective.

The best time is morning hours – between 10 to 11 am with evenings being the least preferred time to send emails.

5. 70% of salespeople only send a single email to a prospect

Sending just one email often isn’t enough to capture a prospect’s attention or convey the value of your offer, especially in today’s competitive market.

Still, 70% of salespeople only send a single email to a prospect.

This statistic reveals a significant gap in follow-up strategies, which are crucial for successful sales outreach.

Effective email campaigns typically involve multiple touchpoints to nurture leads and build relationships.

6. For every $1 you spend on email marketing, you get more than $43 in return

Email marketing boasts an impressive return on investment, with every $1 spent yielding more than $43 in return.

This ROI underscores the power of email as a marketing tool, far surpassing many other channels in terms of cost-effectiveness and impact.

By leveraging the high ROI of email marketing, businesses can drive substantial revenue growth and maximize their marketing budgets.

7. Half of marketers consider email marketing to be their most impactful channel.

Despite the popularity of social media, email remains vastly more effective at securing customers and is still impactful as per a study.

This underscores the power of email in converting leads into customers.

You should prioritize email marketing in your outreach strategies. Focus on building strong email lists and creating compelling, targeted content with the help of an AI email generator to maximize customer acquisition efforts.

8. C-level executives are 23% more likely to answer cold B2B emails than employees outside the C-suite.

Targeting the right audience is key in B2B sales, and cold emailing C-level executives can be particularly fruitful.

These top executives are 23% more likely to respond to cold emails compared to other employees.

The Belkins study also highlights that founders and CEOs have a high reply rate of 5.9%, along with CFOs, who respond to 6.4% of emails.

This insight suggests that personalized, well-researched emails directed at decision-makers can lead to more meaningful engagements and business opportunities.

Cold Email Engagement Statistics

9. The average open rate of cold emails is 23.9%.

Getting your prospects to open your emails is quite a challenge.

It is especially true for cold emails – where your prospects are not familiar with you or your brand. As per research, the average open rate for sales emails is 23.9%.

Another study by Breakcold says that a good open rate for cold emailing is anywhere above 60%. Generally, top cold emailers easily achieve 70% up to 88%.

While, according to Mailchimp, the average cold email open rate is 40% to 60%.

Open rate may not be the most important metric to track in your cold email campaigns, but it surely tells a lot about your success.

For better open rates, consider crafting compelling subject lines and relevant content to capture the recipient’s attention.

10. The average open rate for emails in the tech industry stands at 18.34%

The tech industry’s average open rate of 18.34% reflects the specific challenges in this sector.

With lower engagement compared to other industries, tech companies need to focus on creating highly relevant and compelling email content to capture their audience’s attention and improve open rates.

11. Wednesday is the “best” day to send outreach emails. Saturday is the worst

According to Backlinko research, Wednesday emerges as the best day to send outreach emails, while Saturday is the worst.

This means you need to optimize email marketing strategies, as timing can significantly impact engagement rates.

Leveraging this timing insight can help marketers increase open and response rates, ensuring their messages reach prospects at the most opportune moments for engagement.

12. 91.5% of cold outreach messages go unanswered

Only 8.5% of outreach emails receive responses.

This means 91.5% of outreach messages go unanswered.

According to Backlinko, sending cold emails to multiple contacts can also impact your response rate.

This highlights the need for precise targeting and personalized content to stand out in recipients’ crowded inboxes.

13. The average response rate for cold emails is 1%

Cold emailing can be a challenging endeavor, with an average response rate of just 1%.

This indicates that only one out of every 100 emails typically receives a reply.

Despite this low rate, continuous optimization and targeting can help improve outcomes.

Your cold email campaign success hinges on how good your lead list is, whether it is segmented or not, identifying intent, and personalizing your messages.

14. Targeted cold emails have the potential to achieve response rates averaging between 15% and 25%

When cold emails are highly targeted, they can achieve impressive response rates, averaging between 15% and 25%, as per a GMass study.

This underscores the value of precise audience segmentation and personalized messaging.

By focusing on relevant and compelling content, businesses can significantly boost their cold email effectiveness and drive higher engagement.

Cold Email Subject Line Statistics

15. Outreach emails featuring long subject lines demonstrate a 24.6% increase in the average response rate compared to emails with concise subject lines.

Emails with longer subject lines see a notable 24.6% increase in response rates over those with shorter ones.

This suggests that providing more detail or intrigue in the subject line can capture the recipient’s attention better, leading to higher engagement and potentially more conversions.

The same study found that the ideal cold email subject line length is around 36 to 50 characters.

Finding the sweet spot for subject line length can significantly impact open rates.

16. Subject lines structured as questions achieve email open rates exceeding the average by approximately 10%

Including questions in your subject line can help increase your open rate.

As per the Yesware data, subject lines that are in question format get higher than average open rates.

Similarly, numerical figures receive an open rate 45% higher than the average.

So, next time you are crafting a subject line – think of addressing a question or including a numerical figure to see better open rates.

This approach piques curiosity and encourages recipients to engage with the content, driving higher open rates and potentially better response rates.

17. Adding a company name to the subject line, states they saw a 22% increase in open rates

Incorporating the recipient’s company name in the subject line can lead to a substantial 22% increase in open rates, according to

This tactic enhances personalization, making the email more relevant and appealing to the recipient.

When people see their company’s name, it signals that the email content is specifically tailored for them, increasing the likelihood of engagement.

This approach not only captures attention but also builds a connection right from the inbox, encouraging recipients to open and read the email.

18. Personalized subject lines get 32.7% more replies – nobody wants to receive a cold email that doesn’t even refer to them by their name

Personalization is key in cold emailing, with personalized subject lines receiving 32.7% more replies.

Referring to recipients by their name or including other personalized elements in the subject line makes the email feel more targeted and relevant, increasing the likelihood of a response.

19. Subject lines that resonate with the recipient, result in just over a 30% higher response rate

When subject lines resonate with the recipient, they achieve over a 30% higher response rate.

Crafting subject lines that align with the recipient’s interests, needs, or pain points can significantly enhance engagement, leading to better outcomes for email campaigns.

Furthermore, incorporating the recipient’s company name in the subject line can lead to a 22% increase in open rates.

This personalization makes the email more relevant and appealing, signaling to the recipient that the content is tailored specifically for them, which can enhance engagement.

20. Including numbers in subject lines increases open rates by 113%

Incorporating numbers in subject lines can lead to a dramatic 113% increase in open rates.

Numbers can make subject lines more concrete and compelling, providing clear value or insights that encourage recipients to open the email and engage with its content.

21. 30% of people open or discard emails based solely on the subject line

According to Superoffice, 30% of people decide whether to open or discard an email based solely on the subject line.

This shows the critical importance of crafting compelling and relevant subject lines. In a crowded inbox, the subject line serves as the first impression and can determine the fate of your email.

A well-crafted subject line can entice recipients to open the email, while a weak or irrelevant one can lead to immediate deletion.

22. Subject lines with seven words have the highest open rate at 46.2%

According to, subject lines containing exactly seven words achieve the highest open rate at 46.2%.

This finding highlights the importance of brevity and clarity in email subject lines.

A seven-word subject line strikes the perfect balance between being informative and concise, providing enough detail to spark interest without overwhelming the reader.

For marketers and sales professionals, this statistic suggests that focusing on crafting precise and engaging seven-word subject lines can significantly enhance email open rates, leading to better engagement and more successful email campaigns.

23. Outbound email body copy with 144 words creates the highest reply rate at 2.7%

According to, outbound emails with a body copy of 144 words achieve the highest reply rate at 2.7%.

This statistic emphasizes the effectiveness of concise and focused messaging. A 144-word email is long enough to convey the necessary information and provide value but short enough to maintain the recipient’s attention.

For sales and marketing professionals, crafting email body copy within this optimal length can enhance engagement and increase response rates, making it a valuable strategy for improving the effectiveness of outbound email campaigns.


Understanding and leveraging these cold emailing statistics can significantly enhance your outreach strategy.

From optimizing subject line length to crafting concise email bodies, each insight provides actionable steps to improve open and response rates.

By implementing these data-driven tactics, you can refine your approach, engage more prospects, and ultimately drive better results from your cold email campaigns.

Cover Image: Freepik

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Editorial Officer, I'm an avid tech enthusiast at heart. I like to mug up on new and exciting developments on science and tech and have a deep love for PC gaming. Other hobbies include writing blog posts, music and DIY projects.

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