Air Filter Maintenance 101
Air filtration is quickly becoming an important aspect of modern homes. With proper air filtration, you can eliminate dust particles and other harmful pathogens in your home, allowing you to breathe high-quality air. That’s why you need an optimally functioning air filtration system. Regular maintenance of your system will optimize its performance. The followings are the dos and don’ts of your home air filtration maintenance.
Purchase The Right Filter
Get your filter from the right vendor. Purchase your air filter online. The online ordering process is simple and effective. Then have your furnace air filters delivered to your home.
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Clean It Regularly
Your air filter can gather dust. It can catch dirt. For optimal functioning, consider cleaning it regularly. Regular cleaning minimizes the buildup of dust and dirt. It protects them from getting damaged. Always, wear gloves when cleaning the filters. However, if they are too dirty to be cleaned, consider replacing them with new ones.
Use the right cleaner on the filter. Use a spray. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions when cleaning the filters. After cleaning your filters, rinse them. Avoid soaking it.
Don’t Use Gasoline
Gasoline can damage your filters. Thus, don’t use it to clean your air filters. Of course, gasoline can be effective in stripping the oil residues from the filters. However, gasoline is notorious for breaking foam cells. It can damage the glue. Instead, use the right filter-specific detergent. After cleaning your filter, dispose of all the cleaning chemicals in the right place.
Use The Right Oil
Don’t use any oil to clean your air filter. Go for an air filter-specific one. For instance, you cannot use motor oil to clean your air filters. Motor oil comes with light viscosity, which means that it can bleed through the filter and reach the engine. Use filter oil. This oil is effective in penetrating the cells and can quickly evaporate. This leaves behind a sticky residue for trapping tiny particles.
Use the right cleaner. Apply the right oil to the filters. Wait for the filter to dry before applying the oil. Cover it. Don’t soak it.
Don’t Wring It Out
Don’t twist your air filter. It can tear the foam and reduce its efficiency. Instead, squeeze the excess oil out before applying oil. This will protect the foam, which is responsible for trapping tiny air particles. Consider cleaning dirt or sand from the air box. Handle it carefully. Don’t bring dirty into its intake.
Consider Cleaning The Airbox
Don’t forget to clean the filter’s air box. Not cleaning the air box can quickly contaminate your new air filter. This can interfere with the effectiveness of your air filter, leading to poor-quality air. Consider purchasing a plastic-based air intake cover. Use soapy water and a clean rag for cleaning the air box.
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Other Tips
Here are additional tips and tricks you should know:
- Consider conducting regular home air filter inspection
- Hire an expert to install your air filter
The Bottom-Line
A well-maintained air filtration system improves the quality of indoor air. It minimizes the dust you breathe, which can positively impact your health. Remember, dust can cause allergies and other breathing problems. Maintain your air filtration system. Change it regularly. The above are do’s and don’ts when it comes to air filtration systems in your home.
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