Published on September 16th, 2022 | by Sunit Nandi


What Might the Future of Healthcare Look Like With AI?

We are beginning to see a significant increase in investment within the AI sector. Standing for “artificial intelligence”, AI is the theory and development of computer programs and software which can perform tasks that would ordinarily require human intelligence.

As technology improves, so too does intelligence, meaning certain software can now obtain data and perform tasks that are unreachable by human standards. Obviously, this has aided in the development of many fields, but the medical and healthcare industry has arguably been the most significant beneficiary.

With AI, an array of areas, from diagnosis, surgery treatment, to drug development, are all improving at a fast rate, with the near future of healthcare looking brighter than it ever has before.

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But how exactly does AI benefit this industry, and how far could it go? Here are a few examples to give you an idea of how AI is revolutionizing healthcare:

Diagnosis Can Become Simpler And More Streamlined

Diagnosis is one of the most integral aspects of medicine and healthcare. The more accurate the diagnosis, the more effective the treatment is going to be. With this in mind, a collection of surgeries have begun to implement AI powered tools to streamline the process, helping doctors to gather concise data and present it intelligibly and efficiently.

In many cases, patients can submit their symptoms from their own home through an electronic form, which AI will then analyse to detect underlying or potential diseases, before formatting the document for the doctors to examine.

This helps to make the diagnosis process far simpler and safer too, as it avoids patients having to travel to the surgery in-person, which risks further infection to themselves and others.

Drug Discovery Is Aided Through Software

AI has similarly helped to revolutionise drug discovery. It does this through a variety of methods, including filling in data that would otherwise have been invisible, highlighting compounds, flagging false negatives, and predicting complex endpoints.

By doing this, it also cuts the cost and the time that accrues in the lead-up to finding new drugs. AI drug discovery software like Cerella, for example, uses the latest in AI and deep learning techniques to fill in the gaps in existing compound data sets. This in turn allows the software to predict and shortlist novel compounds worth exploring further, greatly assisting scientists in the discovery and development of novel treatments.

Improved Tools And Administration

AI is also being used to improve a number of healthcare tools. For example, radiology tools such as medical image sharing and other imaging devices allow people to take a close look inside organisms, helping medical professionals to see the exact condition of the patient.

With the naked eye, there is far more opportunity for crucial factors to be missed, but with a functional AI system, doctors will be able to clarify images and even create 3D models so they can better understand what they are dealing with.

AI can also aid the administrative sector for doctors, who are beginning to depend on AI instead of regular staff to fulfil extra obligations and do so without additional expense. For example, AI can schedule appointments as well as focus a clinic on solving patients queries and issues, making the whole process more efficient and stable for the other doctors and staff.

Final Thoughts

Good healthcare is all about being able to help the maximum number of people with a high quality of treatment. Right now, the biggest obstacle towards this goal is human limits. But, with the use of AI, the healthcare industry can experience a significant change which will lead to a bright future.

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I'm the leader of Techno FAQ. Also an engineering college student with immense interest in science and technology. Other interests include literature, coin collecting, gardening and photography. Always wish to live life like there's no tomorrow.

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