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Published on April 11th, 2022 | by Sunit Nandi


How to Generate More Buzz for Your Cryptocurrency

So many people release a cryptocurrency thinking it will sell itself. But just putting a coin out there, even if it’s a great one, does not guarantee success. Like any type of product, you will need to work to make it popular. And with the market being more saturated than ever, you’ll have to work twice as hard to get noticed. It’s still possible to set yourself apart in this niche, however, but you have to be ready to put the effort in. Let’s take a look at how you could generate more buzz for your cryptocurrency.

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Ramp Up Your Content Marketing

Content marketing is and always was one of the most powerful crypto marketing methods there is. You need to have a good mix of content and distribute it through the right channels.

Establish connections with crypto and blockchain blog owners in the space. You can do that by being active in comment sections and getting noticed. You want to get noticed for the right reasons too, so try to provide good insights and slowly build a rapport with the owner. Once this is done, you can approach them for guest posting opportunities.

You should also focus on video content, especially of the long-form type. YouTube loves that kind of content, and people in the space love videos, so you have to release a lot of meaningful content. Do not wait for the YouTube algorithm to do the work for you and post your content on relevant subreddits. Try to speak about current subjects concerning your space and only release promotional content from time to time.

Social Media Marketing

Social media is a top tool for crypto marketing in 2022. Variety is very important here. You want to concentrate on different platforms while still being focused. Some of the best platforms for cryptocurrency marketing include Twitter, Steemit, and Reddit. Reddit in particular can be very effective for building bonds with people in the community.

TikTok can also be a good tool for advertising your coin and a lot of people are using it to release short educational videos. Try to generate traction for your channel by focusing on helping people in the community first, then have a few videos showcasing your coin.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is another very powerful tool you can use for crypto marketing. If you want to generate a nice email list fast, we suggest you set up a squeeze page and offer some sort of course or free e-book that could help the community. You could even mention your crypto in the report. It could be something as simple as a beginner’s guide on how to trade crypto.

Make the report as informative as possible and encourage people to share it with anyone they think would benefit from it. Don’t forget to add links to your newsletter and blog and make sure that you have an email capture page on your blog to get more people to sign up.

These are all things that you should do if you want to make your cryptocurrency more popular. The space is getting saturated and new cryptocurrencies are being created every day, so do everything you can to make your crypto stand out and be consistent.


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I'm the leader of Techno FAQ. Also an engineering college student with immense interest in science and technology. Other interests include literature, coin collecting, gardening and photography. Always wish to live life like there's no tomorrow.

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