10 Easy Rules to Become Popular on YouTube
YouTube likes
YouTube is one of the most popular social media platforms around. It is perfect for promoting businesses, music and sharing ideas. Building a following will also create opportunities for you to bring in extra income.
Are you thinking of starting a YouTube channel? Or are you already a video blogger and looking for ways to grow your network using offers like on this page to increase YouTube likes? Whatever your goal may be, here are 10 easy rules that will help you become popular on YouTube.
Do Some Research
Before starting your YouTube channel, you will need to come up with an interesting topic. Your topic should be something that you have a genuine interest in. Your enthusiasm for the topic will be contagious.
Once you have come up with a topic, learn everything about it that you can. That way you will have a good base of knowledge and you won’t be giving viewers any false information.
Do Some Branding
To become popular on YouTube, unique and professional branding is necessary. Think of the image you want to project and build your brand around the message you want to send to your audience.
Consider the colors and artwork that you will use. Make sure that as soon as viewers see these elements, they will have a clear idea of what your channel is about.
A good logo and a name that is catchy and clever will help to set you apart.
Invest in Quality Equipment
No matter how engaging your content is, no one will want to watch it if it’s poor quality. Thus, you will want to invest in some good equipment including the following:
- A good camera to capture high definition images
- A mic that will pick up your voice well
- Good lighting so your videos look their best
- The right editing software will make your content look more professional
Use Social Media
Now that you have what you need to create engaging and great-looking content, it’s time to do some promotion. Social media is a great way to get your name out there.
There are several social media platforms that are ideal for promoting YouTube channels. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are all great examples. You can share your videos or clips of your videos to draw people in. To make the most of content sharing, be sure to include tags and hashtags.
This will lead to added views and more YouTube likes, comments and followers.
Network with Others in the YouTube Community
When networking with others, make sure you’re not spamming them. Avoid leaving links to your videos in their comments section. Instead, try engaging in meaningful and relevant conversations through comments.
Take time to watch their videos. Think of thoughtful comments that will add value. Pay them compliments on a job well done.
This may lead to other YouTubers signing up for your channel in return for your support. It will also let other users know that you have knowledge in your subject field. Thus, they may end up subscribing to you as well.
Networking with others can also lead to collaborations. Collaborating with another YouTuber can help you draw in their following. Then their subscribers may become your subscribers.
Ask Your Viewers for Help
There is no shame in asking viewers for your help in promoting your content. At the beginning or end of each video, include a brief message asking viewers to share your content. This is another great way to get more YouTube likes and subscribers.
Stick to a Schedule
Sticking to a schedule will let people know when you are going to post and they will look out for your video. This type of regularity will help you build a following.
Be sure to post at a time when you know there will be a good amount of viewers on. You should also have some extra content prepared if you are unable to throw up videos on schedule.
Give Teasers
Do you know how television shows give previews of upcoming shows to get viewers wanting to tune in? You can do the same thing on your YouTube channel.
Before you end your videos, include a quick teaser of what’s coming up on the next broadcast. This will help in getting your viewers coming back for more.
Do Live Shows
Many YouTubers prefer to film themselves in advance. That way they can edit their content to cut their errors.
But a live video will capture the energy that will give your content a whole new spin. Live video also opens the door to interaction with your viewers. For example, during the episode you can:
- Allow for live Q & A
- Do shout outs to your viewers
- Do live giveaways based on trivia questions and contests
Pay Attention to Trends
Pay attention to trends and incorporate them into your content. If something is happening in the world that’s important, talk about it in your videos.
Talking about trending issues is important. But it’s also a good idea to take these trends in a different direction. Putting your own unique spin on them will help your content stand out.
Now that you know how to become popular on YouTube, what’s standing in your way? Get out there and start working on some content. With a bit of hard work, you will see your YouTube likes increasing and those subscribers adding up in no time!