How to increase Customer satisfaction?
If you are building a business in the service industry, you are definitely dealing with people every single day. And the level of their content is becoming your primary concern. Of course, all of us have heard the phrase “the customer is always right”, but how does this work in reality? How to keep your customers and clients happy, and keep them coming back? Here are a few tips, in case you need them.
- Make sure you have great reception at your place of business. It might be a retail store, a restaurant, a cafe, a hotel, or a bar. You have to make sure every single inch of the territory gets the best signal possible. So regardless of whether you are located in the heart of a big city, or in the countryside, make sure you purchase the best mobile phone signal booster out there, in case your reception is not always stable. Naturally, people text, call and browse during their leisure time, so make sure you give them the opportunity to do that. It’s a big thumbs up in your favour.
- Make sure you have some way of praising for returning clients. It can be anything, actually. Discounts for returning customers, or the possibility to deliver (in case your business does not normally deliver). If you are a corner cafe and usually have the same clients coming in, make sure your waiters know those clients by name and remember their usual orders. If it’s a new client, they have to be charmed enough to come back again, which leads us to the next order of business.
- Pick the people on the “front line” very carefully. There are employees who don’t mingle with your clients and then there are the ones who do. Make sure you pick the right people for the job. It’s not enough to smile or say the right words and greet clients in a specific way (which is also important, don’t get us wrong). Try to find people who can combine professionalism with a human quality. The ones that can make a joke and be genuine and charming. The “front line” employees are your best shot at a good first impression. So, again, pick them very carefully.
- In our day and age, the service industry can’t afford to be too time-consuming. If you are a barbershop, and it takes 2 hours to deal with one client, they’re probably not going to be satisfied, even if the haircut isn’t bad at all. Naturally, you can’t cut time at the expense of quality. But you do have to strive for quicker service. And also make sure that dealing with your business is hassle-free. Don’t put in hidden fees, or too much paperwork. Offer some free coffee if the client has to wait for their turn longer than 5 minutes.
- All of the above won’t work for long if you don’t provide quality. So if you are in the service industry to stay, make sure you provide quality and don’t overcharge. Make sure every detail is thought of and don’t rely on the good name alone if you are a big business and your name commands trust. Hire professionals and pay them accordingly. If you are a new business and can’t afford to hire professionals with years of great experience under their belt, your best bet is young people with big potential and good people skills.
Remember, your customers are what keeps your business alive, and they are your greatest support. Be genuine and honest above all else, and your customers will feel it!