
Published on November 1st, 2019 | by Tamara Backovic


How Much Influence Does Crypto Have on the World Today? [Infographic]

Is cryptocurrency a bubble that’s about to explode? After the Crypto Winter of 2018 that followed the peak of BTC value in December 2017, everyone thought that cryptocurrencies were dead.

However, even though BTC and other popular currencies aren’t worth as much as they once were, they still hold an important position in the world.

The physical and digital financial worlds have become intertwined. What happens in one world affects the other and vice versa.

To give you a little more information, let’s take a look at some real-world examples of disruptions caused by crypto.

Crypto Has the Power to Disrupt the World

Contrary to what most people think, the disruptions caused by cryptocurrencies and blockchain are not limited only to the financial world. According to Fortunly, cryptocurrencies have the power to rattle every aspect of our daily lives.

Here are a few examples.

  • Photography. Kodak is planning to launch KODAKCoin, their own cryptocurrency, in order to make sure that photographers around the world receive fair payments.
  • Messaging Apps. In 2018, Telegram planned an ICO, hoping to raise $1.2 billion in a public bid. However, they had to cancel the public ICO after they managed to raise $1.7 billion from private investors.
  • Car Rental. According to one Visa-funded project, cryptocurrencies could make renting a car much easier than today. It would transform it from a time and energy-consuming ordeal into a “click, sign & drive” process.

If these examples have caught your eye, and you want to learn more about crypto’s influence on the world today, don’t worry, we know just what you need. Take a look at the infographic below! It unpacks everything you’ve ever wanted to know about crypto, and how it’s affecting the world around us.

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About the Author

I’m Tamara, Content Specialist at, a lady with a background in computer sciences, crypto researcher and to those who know me, a pizza addict. I started in IT but my interests quickly dissolved into many overlapping branches spanning from technology all the way to the global economy. Crypto is my current hot topic as I tend to ever-broaden my knowledge and stay in touch with the latest trends. As a person who likes challenges and strives for excellence my end goal is to use all that I can to create a better-informed world. Oh, yes, and also, my life would be empty without my little westie called Bigby.

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