
Published on November 22nd, 2019 | by Guest


5 Essential Elements of A Successful Branding Campaign

In today’s world, your organization not only has to compete on a local level but also has to hustle to survive in the global economy.

In such a competitive scenario, it is important to stand apart from the crowd. Your company has to be recognized and remembered by consumers, encouraging repeat business dealings.

Putting your company on the elite list of successful brands like Apple and Amazon can be achieved only through brand building- telling the audience who you are, what you believe in, and what unique value you can provide.

Having a strong brand identity will help you in your quest of gaining the trust and loyalty of your customers- the key elements to a successful company. You should strive to make every experience with your brand a memorable one for all your customers.

Powerful brands don’t just appear overnight. They are the results of a long-term strategy that guides how a company does business and is tightly bound to its understanding of customer needs. Let’s discuss some of the most essential elements of branding:

1. Comprehend your brand’s attributes

Consumers tend to develop an affinity towards brands that are relatable to them. Your branding campaign needs to have some features that the customers will connect to on a personal and emotional level.

Everything from the quality of your products, the customer support services you provide and your company’s values will play a part in shaping your brand’s identity. Make sure to leave a lasting impression on each of your customers to rise up in their ranking.

Try to find out the group of people that your product or services attract the most. Your brand’s identity should be built upon the likes and dislikes of your target audience.

Conduct research to know more about your probable customers. This research will help you build your brand centered around the preferences of your customers. Make sure that the values of your brand are clearly highlighted in every interaction that you have with your customers. These interactions include the content on your official website, social media profiles, emails and advertisements.

2. Develop a customer-friendly website

A website with a unique and attractive design can help you create a successful identity for your brand. Your official website is where your customers will be able to get a peek into your company. You need to showcase your products or services in a unique way to gain the trust of your customers.

Try to keep your website as user-friendly as possible. Make sure that all the essential features of your company are highlighted in a proper way. People nowadays have a very short attention span of about 8 seconds to be accurate.

Therefore, try to put up the most important pieces of information about your products or services that must be known to all your customers. You can also add certain facts about your brand or the services you offer to make the website more attractive.

Here’s a sneak peek into one of my all-time favourite, Reebok with it’s A-game on the website designs:


3. Mobile optimization must be your top-most priority

49% of traffic on shopping websites comes from mobile users. This fact alone is a huge reason for you to optimize your websites for mobile phones.

In order to build a successful brand identity, you can’t afford to ignore mobile devices. Infact, you can also think about developing a mobile app to provide all the ease the customers are looking for.

A mobile app can set your brand apart from your competitors. It also helps to boost your credibility and popularity. A user-friendly app that allows people to browse your products and buy them instantly will make the experience with your brand very comfortable.

The e commerce giant, Amazon is known for providing a hassle-free shopping experience. Recently it also introduced a new feature called Amazon AR view in their app, to further advance their influential brand identity.


4. Design a digital business card for your business

In this world of digitalization, if you are still thriving on traditional business cards, you need to rethink!

Digital business cards is the digital version of the traditional business cards that are easy to share across all your social media accounts to your probable clients.

Unlike printed cards, they don’t get lost in a pile of others and immediately updates your clients about your latest contact information. Plus, it also reduces costs and goes a long way in saving the environment considering its paper-free nature.

Here’s how it looks like:

5. Content

Content is the vehicle to achieve popularity with customers. Good content allows you to interact with your community and you position yourself as their ally by sharing your expert knowledge through how‑to blogs, videos, webinars, infographics, eBooks etc. With this content, you are building engagement with customers that is certainly going to give you unbelievable results in the near future.

If you are still not aware of the mind-boggling content marketing statistics, check it out here.

If your brand definition allows you to be more aggressive, you might consider email or advertising campaigns that explain why your organization is the best, or only, solution for them.

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