5 Must Have Android Apps for Students
Gone are those days of carrying heavy textbooks and abnormal sleep cycle. Android phones or tablets with the appropriate applications is the solution to every student’s problem of exams and classes too. There are Thousands of ways to make your life easy as a student. So, we have decided to make a list of the most useful Android Apps for Students.
Best Android Apps for Students
This application helps you to go paperless anywhere and anytime. This application helps you to avoid getting printouts of any document or notes. You can easily scan any documents using your phone’s camera and save it as a PDF. You can also save your files to Dropbox and Google Drive. Using this application, you can easily find any existing receipts and documents and can even use them as editable PDFs. This application produces a clean PDF and which is unparalleled to any other scanners.
CamScanner – Phone PDF Creator
Developer: INTSIG Information
Price: Free
Proxynel Browser
As a student privacy is your main concern. When you are using the school’s WiFi there might be certain important websites that are blocked. In such a situation you can use a proxy browser for Android devices. Proxy browsers are nothing but a browser which comes inbuilt with a proxy server.
Developer: udicorn
Price: Free
Exam Vocabulary Builder
This application is being used by almost 6 million users who have used this to improve their English vocabulary, from the fact of being a fresher at college or a graduate. This application is a great help for language proficiency. The application helps with retention too using “repetition”.
Developer: Magoosh
Price: Free
Unlike vocabulary builder applications, this doesn’t have a limited set of words. Dictionary.com is a package for all your English learning needs with a countless number of definitions. This android app comes free of cost and consists of search history, word origin, synonyms, antonyms and much more. It has gathered more than 43,000+ ratings and 4.5 stars.
Developer: Dictionary.com, LLC
Price: Free
Skype is not just a communication app. It also has features like texting, voice chat, video and file sharing so it could serve as a study app for students. It can come very handy when you cannot go out and you need something from any of your classmate, this app can be a saviour. After downloading the file your friend could also help you decipher the bad handwriting.
Developer: Skype
Price: Free
Bonus App
This android app provides you with curriculum course study material and lots of online courses. You can sign up for this application and study at your own pace. This application offers you with a selection of courses and all the supplements as you are learning at your college. This also has a feature by which you can introduce yourself to subjects before entering into each semester.
Developer: Coursera
Price: Free