
Published on July 9th, 2019 | by Sunit Nandi


3 SEO Secrets Your Competitors Wish You Never Find Out

SEO is one of the most misjudged areas in the realm of digital marketing.

With so many words going on about search engine optimization and how it works, the right ideas can often be overlooked.

While a number of other techniques can still work efficiently, for best results it’s important to take these ideas into consideration.

That’s what this blog post aims at doing. Revealing top 3 SEO secrets your competitors wish you never find out.

So, buckle up, here’s all the gold you need.

1. On Page Before Off Page

Bloggers, businesses, internet marketers spend hundreds and thousands of dollars on link building techniques to better their off-page profile for better SEO.

Sadly, they often neglect what matters first and the most.

On page factors.

More than half of your work will be done right after the on page issues are fixed on your website.

So, way before you invest in link building, focus on optimizing your website for the search engines, because that’s what search engine optimization actually means. The rest is just distribution.

This is the first idea that top Greenville SC’s marketing firms swear by.

2. Anchor Text Diversity is Crucial

The first approach that hits most minds for link building is using popular search terms as anchor text.

While the idea has worked for SEOs across the globe for a fine span of time, it isn’t that effective in 2019.

For example, In 2003, the top search result for the keyword “miserable failure” was the White House biography’s page of George W. Bush. This was achieved only after a number of internet users created as many links as they could using the anchor “miserable failure”.

While, when we consider the web in 2019, a lot has changed. Exact match anchor texts may actually fail your link-building efforts in the long run.

Turns out, anchor text diversity is crucial for making your links appear natural.

So, while you try to build quality backlinks, make sure you don’t waste out your link-building efforts by using the same anchor text for a number of backlinks.

For a better understanding of how diversified your anchors should be, here’s a pie chart.


3. Social Signals Matter

The relationship between social signals and SEO is not as clearly spelled as the one between backlinks and SEO. However, it is real and when understood and implemented correctly, it can lead your website to the top of SERPs.

The question is, HOW?

While Google says that social shares, likes, comments, etc do not directly affect SEO, evidence leads the other way.


As can be seen in the graph above, a link’s social activity has long been playing a vital role in its search rankings.

No wonder why, the top search engine optimization in Greenville SC companies keep social media as a major part of their marketing arsenal.

It’s time for you too to take this into consideration.

Final words

As it may come off to many, SEO is no rocket science. However, there’s a number of things concerning the concept that keep confusing marketers over one thing or the other.

The sad part is, those things are crucial for real SEO growth.

Thankfully, we had a small list to help you for now, and in this post, we tried to throw light on that.

Hopefully, this was helpful.

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I'm the leader of Techno FAQ. Also an engineering college student with immense interest in science and technology. Other interests include literature, coin collecting, gardening and photography. Always wish to live life like there's no tomorrow.

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