
Published on July 13th, 2018 | by Sunit Nandi


4 Cheap Ways To Reward Your Staff

Before getting started with the topic of today, let’s get one thing straight, rewarding your staff members every time they help you achieve a goal is extremely important for the development of your business. In fact, you should make it a habit of rewarding them every now and then because this practice can motivate them to work even harder and all of it will help you spread positive vibes in your office.

Almost every successful business owner out there practices corporate gifting because people have finally realized that the key to success is to appreciate your team members and reward them for their hard work and efforts.

Now, if you are someone who is about to take this positive step of corporate gifting then here we are to help you. Today in this article we are going to jot down the best and the cheapest ways to appreciate and reward your staff.

1. Take them out for a lunch

If it’s your whole staff that you need to entertain then the best thing you can do is to take them out for a lunch. This way you’ll save yourself a lot of money as you won’t have to buy them individual gifts. Moreover, you’ll get to spend some time with your team and know them out of the profession. You can also give engraved plaques to the most hardworking people in your team while you are out on the lunch.

2. CEO for the day

The cheapest and the best reward so far is to make any one of your hard working employees, CEO for the day. Make a speech for them or appreciate them at a meeting. You can also use the idea of plaques, donor signs and awards while you announce them the CEO for the day. All of this can actually motivate your staff members and everyone in your team will work even harder to get rewarded.

3. A “Thank you” meeting

At the end of the day, it’s all about appreciation and praising the other person for the struggles and efforts he makes. The same applies to you when you want to reward a staff member of yours. Just randomly call them in your office some day and tell them how proud you are of them for their dedication and efforts. You can call it more of a “thank you” meeting and you can make an addition of custom plaques to praise your employee.

4. Buy a gift for them

Another option that can work great for you is to buy your employee a gift that he loves to use. For example, if you know that your employee loves to drink coffee or tea while he is working then get him a coffee warmer mug. Or get him something unique and classy for his desk. Special occasions require memorable gifts, such as a new watch, which you can check out on No matter what the gift is, your employee is going to be happy with it.


These are a few cheap ways to reward your staff members. So, do use any one of these methods and make sure that you practice corporate gifting in your workplace. We assure you that if you start appreciating people for their efforts, you’ll see a big positive change in your business.

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I'm the leader of Techno FAQ. Also an engineering college student with immense interest in science and technology. Other interests include literature, coin collecting, gardening and photography. Always wish to live life like there's no tomorrow.

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