Is Bitcoin the Future of Small Business? [Infographic]
We’ve all heard a lot about cryptocurrencies in the news lately, and no single token has commanded as much attention as Bitcoin. Financial analysts have driven themselves crazy trying to figure out whether bitcoin represents a revolutionary new approach to currency, or whether it’s just a flash-in-the-pan trend. For many small businesses however, Bitcoin represents tangible opportunities instead of an abstract issue. In fact, some small businesses are even moving to start accepting Bitcoin as payment for everyday purchases.
The idea of using a purely digital currency in lieu of actual money can be difficult to comprehend for some people. The average person isn’t tech-literate enough to know how Bitcoin works. What makes it different from regular currencies, like US dollars? How can businesses that move to accept Bitcoin as payment benefit? Are there any risks involved with moving to a cryptocurrency-friendly business model? And finally, perhaps the biggest question of all: if you’re interested in Bitcoin, where do you get started?
Fortunately, those questions come with definitive answers. Our friends at Mulligan Funding have put together a comprehensive explanation of everything you need to know about Bitcoin to start using it at your business. Whether you plan on becoming a Bitcoin investor, accepting it as a form of payment, or investing in a startup that will reward you with ICOs, the diagram below will provide you with valuable information you can use to succeed. All you’ll need to do once you read it is finance your investment—which will be easy if you know where to look.
Take note of the following information, and use the step-by-step guide provided to begin trading in one of the world’s most exciting new currencies. With any luck, what you learn here will serve you well into the future, and allow your business to profit from the Bitcoin rush well ahead of your competitors: