How to use JavaScript tricks for your Digital marketing
Unlike it has been the case in the past, you can now use JavaScript (JS) for digital marketing. Not long ago, you could be told that search engines cannot execute JS and that anything that depended on JS would definitely become invisible never to be seen in the index. Maybe it would be important to understand what JS indexing is before going into finer details. Basically, JavaScript-enabled indexing is built upon the idea of getting closer to the search engine. It is a focus on the page as the user would see it.
It is important to note that most of your page users browse using JS enabled and most sites will either fail without it or get limited in a number of occasions. Conventionally, indexing takes into account the raw HTML source gotten from your server. In such a case, users get to see a page rendered based on the Document Object Model (DOM) that can be modified through JS running in the web browser. With a JS-enabled indexing, all content in the rendered DOM is considered also and not merely that which shows up in the raw HTML. Maybe it would be important to understand DOM before getting to know how JavaScript works to boost your marketing needs.
Understanding DOM
Google uses DOM to analyse, inspect and recognize all the pages of a website. It is a very important SEO terminology. Dom can be seen any time you access a browser’s “Inspect Element”. To simply understand it, DOM is a process a browser does anytime it receives your HTML document in order to begin rendering the webpage. The process entirely is not merely about the DOM. The browser has to first get the HTML document forts. Later on, it will begin parsing the entire content in the document received together with the extra resources like JavaScript files get transported to the webpage.
DOM is developed from the resources and content parsing. It can be taken as organized, structured and methodically planned side of the code of the page. However, you need to note that DOM is quite altered from the conventional HTML document as a result of the availability of the dynamic HTML. The HTML kind is the ability of the page to alter content displayed based on the input of the user, environmental setting alongside other factors. Essentially, dynamic HTML uses JavaScript maximally among other variables such as HTML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). CSS is responsible for making up the presentation layer of your webpage.
Why JavaScript for Your SEO?
Understanding JS and its potential in propelling your SEO campaign is a vital skill that you need to market your site. JS along with other elements allows search engines to crawl and again analyze your website. As a result, it is important to accurately include JS into your website to enhance indexing and ranking by search engines. The most critical part concerning the impact of JS on SEO is the ability of search engines to locate the content and get the meaning. This means that you should be mindful of the ability of your website to get indexed in mobile platforms. If search engines cannot, you need to recheck and make sure you did everything right in optimizing your JS.
JavaScript is the component that defines interactivity and the main element linked to the dynamic web. It can either be put inside the HTML document using the <script> tags or get linked or referenced to. A lot of changes have taken place in modern days and various JS frameworks and libraries such as ReactJS, jQuery, EmberJS and so on are now on offer. Another common question is understanding the difference between React Context API and Redux.
The Bottom Line
Understanding JavaScript and how it is applied is good for optimizing your site for digital marketing efforts. It is a perfect way to fix the issues you might be facing. There are 3 important reasons why JavaScript is good on your website. In summary, it’s about crawl-ability determining the ability of bots to creep through your site, obtain-ability determining the bots’ ability to reach to the information on your site and lastly the perceived latency of your site. As a result of this, there won’t be any fears of using JavaScript to market your site digitally.
About the author:
Betsy Randall is a researcher and writer at Termpapereasy with a Master Degree in Philosophy. Her Liberal Art Education is not an obstacle to learn new technology that she did her hobby. Also, she provides free tutoring lessons for students in the local school in Florida.