This engineer is Solving Company Challenges from Home
After the boom of the collaborative economy and crowdsourcing, it is now possible for people to work remotely on projects from anywhere in the world. For instance, an engineer from the US can solve a challenge in Chile or Peru without leaving the house.
ennomotive is a global community of engineers that participate in real-life company challenges for a cash prizes. These challenges are always about innovation and technology, mostly automation and robotics, water and energy, sensorization and IoT, product design, etc.
Antonio Gasca, co-founder of 2GS Ingeniería, answered some questions about what it is like to work with ennomotive and participate in engineering challenges for a cash prize.
Can you introduce yourself briefly? What is your most relevant working experience?
My name is Antonio Gasca. I’m from Jerez (Spain) but I moved to Málaga where I reside at the moment. I am a Mechanical Engineer and a H&S Advanced Technician. In 2014 I co-founded 2GS Ingeniería where I currently work as the Technical Manager. Throughout my professional career, I have worked mainly in the industrial field as Project Engineer, Project Manager, Head of Unit and Site manager in companies such as Abengoa or Intemac.
What challenges have you participated in? How well did you do in them?
We have participated in several challenges like Flexible building for temporary factory, Battery theft in remote telecommunication sites or Water recovery system, winning one of them and coming in second place in the other two. Currently, I am participating in a couple of challenges with, at the moment, good expectations.
What kind of challenge do you like most? Why?
In general, any challenge that requires a singular solution to a particular problem is always attractive. Considering my skills, so far I have participated in challenges related to industrial design and mechanical design. Undoubtedly, the current market requires that engineers update their capabilities by focusing on the industry 4.0, and we are working on that.
What is your motivation for participating?
The main motivation for participating is to make our work known and increase our visibility. We know that Ennomotive is a community with thousands of engineers from all over the world, so our participation in the challenges is a great opportunity for 2GS Ingeniría and myself to be more visible. On the other hand, in addition to economic motivation, participation in the challenges allows us to increase our capabilities .
Did you have any experience in this kind of challenges? Have you solved a similar challenge in the past?
Yes. I currently am Technical Manager of 2GS Ingeniería and freelance engineer. My job basically consist in finding optimal solutions for complex situations.
How did you come up with this solution? What was your inspiration?
When we are analyzing any challenge, the main premise for proposing a solution is to try to be simple. As simple as possible. Normally, the simplest solution is cheaper and faster to implement. So, in this challenge they proposed to use part of the current installation (e.g., the rail) for the alignment tool test and it take in consideration a simple tool (steel structure) for alignment maneuver.