
Published on February 15th, 2017 | by Guest


What Sort Of Broadband User Are You?

There are so many broadband service providers in Australia so it gets confusing for people. They fear they might end up choosing the wrong broadband service. So let’s break it down to the kinds of broadband service and the different needs of people. The most important factor in choosing a broadband service is to determine what kind of internet user you are. Once you have done this then it’s an easy road to walk on.

Broadband for beginners

If you are just starting out and jumping on the broadband bandwagon and don’t have a clue about it, then it’s recommended to just begin with a basic level of broadband service and/or look for recommendations from sites like This way, you won’t be paying high costs for internet you won’t be even using. If you only need to check e-mails or browsing the web, or even watching some YouTube videos here or there, then you really don’t need much and you are making the right choice. You can later work your way up to faster internet should your needs become more than just doing these. All broadband service providers have a low cost or basic option for beginners which you can choose from.

Gamers and TV/movie buffs

If you love to watch TV shows and movies by either streaming or downloading them, then you should choose the option which covers heavy streaming for HD content. This is a great option for people who are on Netflix and Amazon Prime users. The same goes for people who play videogames and engage with other players online. Also for people who do distance learning and have to download or stream videos and music lovers who download music from peer to peer networks, you need to choose a package which covers all of these requirements.

For the whole family

Family packages are for people who live in a household but have different needs. This kind of package usually covers pretty much everything, since someone might be a heavy user to an occasional user who doesn’t like to use technology much. Since there are multiple users in the house, the coverage would be quite a lot.


This is ideal for college or university students who need to access their course online, do assignments for research or even distance learning. They have to stream and download videos and tutorials. This type of package usually allows unlimited download allowances. The contracts on these deals last for a shorter period, because most of the students go home for the holidays or summer so their money isn’t wasted.

Business users

If you run a business then you need to opt for a broadband deal which is customized for your company. Since businesses require a fairly high speed  for their bandwidth for their servers, e-mails and databases they get to have business grade security and fast internet in order for everything to run seamlessly.

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