Lenovo Will Use Moto Branding for All Its Future Smartphones
Mobile launches are always good, especially for people like us who are a gadget freaks. All the companies are fighting tight to bring in something new for us after almost every quarter. As a result, we get to see a new model of phone almost every now and then, be it from the market rulers or the beginners. With this thought in mind, we get to see the launch of Lenovo Moto M.
Recently, Lenovo has launched its new series Moto M in China. And, just after the launch, it has been seen that the device is already there in the company’s website and also in various stores in China. But to all our surprise company also announced that with all their future models of Smartphone, they would come up with the series names under the Moto brand and will not be using any other name for their Smartphone’s. Thus, what we can deduce is that there will be no more independent branding of Moto.
Lenovo and Moto M
As per the report published by the Campaign Asia which is based on the report of the earning of Lenovo post the launch of Moto M, Lenovo is going to launch all its future Smartphone’s under the brand name of Moto itself. So, as we concluded prior that there wills no existence of Moto as an independent brand.
But, if we go a little back, we can see that just few months back, the company was releasing Moto phones separately from that of Lenovo. This was done to keep a distinction between the two and make both bands exist simultaneously. However, with due course, the branding strategy changed and the decision of bringing one name came in existence. Now, all the Smartphone’s are now designed and manufactured under the brand name of Lenovo and it will have the name of Moto as the saleable brand name.
Moreover, we can expect to see the existing series of Smartphone’s which are under the brand name of Moto, like X, E or G will be brought in line to Moto M. This is supposed to be done to convey the merger of both the brands. These are few of the company level decision that has a strong impact on the consumer base. Such type of decision was taken at a very macro level structuring and this certainly involves some kind of replacement at the company level. Such replacements are likely to be at the management level like the current Co-President and SVP Company’s Mobile Business unit Xudong Chen with Gina Qiao. Gina was the former SVP of Human Resources.
The hiring
Due to this merger, there has been multiple hiring with the Company. There has been several hiring within the company. Many seniors were appointed from Intel, Microsoft and Alcatel-Lucent. This has been done with the main intention to make a transition from hard core hardware company to a customer based company that would focus on devices having artificial intelligence and the cloud services.
All these changes and decisions have been taken to bring in a new era in the mobile world. This has been made to improve the market for Smartphone in China and across the globe. This saying has been quoted by the Lenovo Chairman and the CEO Yang Yuanging. This has made the overseas business grow manifold in China and throughout the world.
Author Biography:
TogoFogo is one of the best online mobile shopping website in India. The above content is contributed by the team of TogoFogo. This website is awesome to buy refurbished laptops for sale. Here you can also buy second hand Smartphones.