How Useful Can Remote Monitoring and SMS Commands Be
The present age is remarkably known as The Smartphone World, or more precisely the Digital World. Smartphones are really an incredible invention of the 21st Century. Getting into the past, the 1996 Star Trek: First Contact showed Jean – Luc Picard using a tablet device, which certainly embarked that the space era might have such savvy computers.
But that savvy device is not the component of the space world, it is the fundamentals of today’s generation. Either an adult or teen, all use the smartphones. And who doesn’t know about the mobile phone applications available.
The diversified fact reveals that smartphones are used mainly for criminal and obsessive purposes. Around 67% of the teens are tangled in heinous acts which include:
- Pornography
- Child abuse
- Sexual harassment
- Cyber Bullying
- Cyber Stalking
- Identity Theft
And much more…
Authoritative Logs
Throughout the world the chaos of the smartphone crimes have dangerous speculations. Not just the developing or underdeveloped states, but the developed states even suffer equally with the smartphone misuse.
The statistics reveal that every developed city in the world have almost 10 incidents which involve the smartphone theft. While all of those 10 incidents involve teenagers, while 7 out of 10 are girls. Despite of actions by the authorities, the crime is increasing day by day. The acts involved guns and knives to steal the device. While some incidents even involve visceral force as the victim is beaten for his or her phone.
Identity theft is one of another problem in the world today. People usually store their banking details and other important stuff in their smartphones. Because the smartphones are very much easy to carry than a handbook or a pocket diary. This has attracted hackers towards this point as smartphones are hacked to steal the personal credentials for fake banking transactions.
Well the younger women are quite prone to this savvy technology. Every sort of sexual crime involves mainly women. 68% of the cybersex crimes and physical assault involves women. And for all worries 98% of them are teenagers aging between 11 – 17 years of age.
Need of the Hour
Whether the user is an adult, senior or a teenager, all are stuck in the miseries of smartphone crimes. Parents are separately worried about their children, employers are worried about their business, partners are worried about their spouse and children are worried about their characters been victimized.
Over such situations, the loved ones can only help out the victim from any dangerous situation. And for that the technology has presented a blessing. The spy apps, which are not just the spy apps they are a complete parental control and monitoring system.
They enable the user to monitor their loved one remotely through the spied person’s device. Apps like TheOneSpy work over number of devices and multiple platforms. Beside the OS platforms, the app even work over diagonal OS platforms.
Remote Monitoring
It’s a fact that if the parents had used the spy apps earlier in the times, there won’t have been such grieves that are prevailing in the world today. Children won’t have been sexual assaulted, girls won’t have been sexually harassed, partners won’t have lost their spouses and business won’t have lost their worth.
The remote monitoring enables the user to monitor the device of the person spied as it is in the hand of the invigilator. The general features involve the call tracking, call listening, call recording, SMS logging, data view, social media messages view, instant messaging app control, contacts view and editing and much more.
It is a complete package for the parents to keep an eye on their children when they are not with them. For sure it’s a support to employers to track their business progress. Partners can stay away from rumors about their spouse as the spy apps brings them the true picture.
The SMS Commands
SMS commanding is among the major features of the spy apps. The messages of the person spied can be read remotely. This helps the parents to identify if their children are in any problem or not. The spy apps even provide the feature to block the anonymous recipients and keep their children away from all troubles.
Employers can get to know what their employees are up to. Generally the SMS is used to discuss every under – the – table matter. The SMS commanding can help the employers to get to the root of any tension.
Author Bio:
Angelica Dowson is an exemplary writer when it comes to consultation on tech related issues. She works with TheOneSpy blog as a senior and active contributor to provide her experienced based researches. If you want to know more about her you can follow her on twitter @angelicadowson2
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