A Simple but Seldom-Seen Way to Get More Website Leads
The average company with a lead generation website gets a trickle of sales leads month after month, year after year. Regardless of what bright marketing idea it comes up with, nothing seems to change.
Why is this? One big reason: The average company is not validating sales leads. In the presentation below, you will learn what lead validation is and why it is so important for successful online lead generation.
Simply put, lead validation is the act of reading all website form submissions and listening to recordings of phone inquiries, to separate true sales leads from non-lead conversions such as spam, personal phone calls and sales solicitations.
Believe it or not, about HALF of all website conversions are NOT sales leads. Without knowing which marketing channels are responsible for the true leads, a company can never know what’s working, what isn’t working and how wisely their marketing dollars are being spent.
Review the presentation here:
Importance of Lead Validation Study by professional seo company, Straight North.
About the author:
Aaron Wittersheim is Chief Operating Officer at Internet marketing agency Straight North.