Tips for creating powerful live streaming content for your business
When it comes to digital marketing, nothing works better than fresh and engaging content. Trouble is, tons of content are being produced and published every single day. We’ve all seen memes, funny pictures and behind-the-scenes footage. One way you can still surprise your audience is by arranging live streaming videos that will capture their attention and reinvigorate your brand. Here are some tips to help you make the most from live streaming content for your business.
Show how you create your product
Most of the time, your audience will have absolutely no idea about how your product is created or service carried out. Live streaming videos offer a perfect setting for showing what it takes to go from concepts to realizations. People will be able to observe how you build your brand and what amount of effort and craft goes into the creation of your products. If you’re providing a service, you can also show your employees in action. Create a story and you’re bound to increase engagement with your brand.
Live stream a company event
If you’ve got a great company event coming up, there’s no better way to include your audience than by offering a live streaming. If you run events with costs of admission, you could start selling virtual tickets too. By including the virtual audience, you’ll also limit the expenses associated with physical space required for attendees.
That’s how live streaming can help you to scale your marketing and reach a wider audience. Finally, you can archive your stream and later republish it on your website, or even recycle it into several videos uploaded to your social stream.
How to successfully live stream an event? Start thinking about content first. How would a live video fit into your general marketing plan? What type of value would you like it to bring you (and your audience)? Once you get all of it covered, consider practical matters like the placement of cameras and choice of a crew to run it.
Curate user-generated content
How can live streaming help you in engaging with your followers and allow them to spread the message further? It’s simple. You can arrange live streams where your fans talk about why they like your product. Naturally, these live streams can be archived and reused as well.
Ask your followers for permission to republish them in user-generate content meant for different purposes and platforms. You’ll show your audience that you really care about their opinions and include them in the process. Naturally, you should also reach out to influencers – have them talk about your brand on a live streaming platform and you’re bound to bring in new traffic.
Offer behind-the-scenes footage
Live streaming is excellent for showing your audience something they would normally never see. NBC News Los Angeles recently did that by taking its fans around on a tour of the studio just before the 11 pm news program. People could see different areas of the studio and ask questions to which the host promptly responded.
Behind-the-scenes footage doesn’t require you to stay on your company premises. Anything that is usually off-limits will pick the interest of your audience. It can be a marketing campaign, or a photo shoot of your product. Show your audience how you produce your content – they’ll be more interested than you’d expect.
Host interviews
This is another way to use live streaming videos to your benefit. Many brands and companies focus on people, and yet they tend to forget this personal aspect and become overly promotional in their communications. Live streaming can help you break this rule by offering short interviews with various people – from employers to clients. These interviews will show the human face behind your brand and offer a personal perspective on your product or service. Open up the discussion and start the conversation – your audience will love you for it.
Follow these tips and you’ll be on your way to creating a powerful live streaming experience for your audience – and trust me, they’ll stay impressed for a really long time.
About the author:
Simone Cormack is a technology enthusiast, a blogger and one of the team members behind Zintel – professional virtual phone systems for every business. In her free time, Simone might usually be found browsing through blogs for entrepreneurs and reading about new gadgets.