What does 2016 hold for cloud computing?
Cloud computing is here to stay. Everyone knows that the cloud computing technology makes life easier for businesses by enabling them to access the same information from several devices. Your files and applications are stored remotely in the cyberspace in a network of servers operated by the third party. So, you can basically access all your files by simply logging in to your network. However, the safety of cloud computing has always been in question since the remotely shared files are exposed to multifarious sources of attacks including malware, Brute Force, apps and web app attacks.
The growth of cloud computing: Predictions for the next year and More
However, with a few days to go for 2016, it is quite clear that despite these threats, cloud computing is here to stay. Cloud computing is not a fad which will eventually phase out in a few days. Let us explore why it (i.e. cloud computing) will emerge as a stronger trend in 2016.
According to an IDG Enterprise survey (based on IT buyers), the cloud technology will be responsible for hosting more than half of the company’s IT environment by the end of 2016. Approximately, around 56% of the IT environment will be hosted by cloud as against 44% today.
The cloud access security broker had carried out a survey where more than 90 CIOs and IT leaders had been questioned at the Gartner Symposium IT Expo in the month of October. It was only at the beginning of November when the results were released. Around one among every three IT leaders expected investments in cloud security to go up by more than 20% in the next year. The primary challenges of cloud storage in 2016 will however be related to the evaluation of cloud provider security, controlling downloads and external sharing and shadow IT.
Exploring the reasons behind the steady traction enjoyed by cloud based hosting: Why are businesses willing to invest in this technology?
The reasons behind the unprecedented popularity of cloud computing is clear. Its self-servicing capacity has played a major role in steering its growth. Now, more businesses are willing to embrace this technology—primarily owing to the fact that it adds a lot of flexibility, scalability and affordability to your entire business.
With its on demand self service, businesses are able to access applications network, e-mails, and server services without the help of human interactions. You can simply establish an account with the seller, get your billing and security functionalities created and choose the cloud computing resources that you will end up needing. Flexibility remains one of the most notable hallmarks of cloud computing. You can access all your resources whenever you require them. It has metering capabilities that allow you to measure exactly how much you have used as the resources. You will have to pay exactly for what you have used—nothing more or less. So, it can well be said that maneuvering a major part of your company costs becomes easier with cloud computing backing your technology. To find out more about IT solutions like Cloud computing, please visit Nexus.