How Mobile Payments are going to take over other Payment Options in 2015?
The invention of internet
The internet was most possibly the best invention that was ever made by the mankind. It’s highly regarded as the 2nd best invention of the 20th century after computers and one can’t find enough reasons to disagree. We live in a world dominated by the internet and technology and, probably, we can’t be thankful enough and we take things for granted because we have never tasted life that would completely be without the internet. So, let’s for some seconds imagine what would not have been possible without the internet.
A situation
So, one day due to some reason, you are home alone and there’s nothing in the fridge that you can eat while watching your favorite movie. It’s raining quite heavily outside and the only vehicle of the house has been taken by the wife, who had to meet an uncle’s aunt who just got traumatized. Now, there’s nowhere for you to go because the phone directory doesn’t show the number of a pizza café or anything edible. Hey, you can just look up the internet, but no, there’s no internet to help you out in such a chaotic situation. IF only you could ask someone to get something delivered to your home, you’d pay huge bucks for that.
Coming back to the current world, we can do all sorts of things from the comfort of our bedroom and often seem to take it for granted because it’s not something very new or fascinating. Every day a new thing happens and we can get even lazier because internet opens another dimension of facilities for us. We never could have guessed a decade ago that we would be able to spend dollars online and get our desired product delivered to our homes but now we can do that and a lot more.
Mobile payments
Recently there has been a lot of work done on mobile payments in our country. It is expected that in 2015, the mobile payments will take over the normal payments for good. This is excellent news for people who love to be the couch animal and just shop from there. You can still shop using your credit cards and what not to get all sorts of things delivered to your homes, but this is taking things up another notch. Now you’d be able to use your mobile to get even the smallest item delivered to your home. In other words, now anything that’s desired will be able to be attained online or through your mobile.
The consequences
This promises to make the lives of humankind a lot easier and a lot lazy at the same time too. People were already too lazy to leave their beds in the morning to get breads and eggs and now, with the facility of paying through mobiles, they can forget keeping cash in their wallet. This also ensures the decrease in theft because if nobody is carrying any cash then they are less liable to getting mugged. All in all we are more likely to get advanced in the coming years and it’s good.
Author’s Bio:
Jenny Gunn has been the ace writer for UK Writing Service since 2004 and she is really valued a lot in the company because of her vast knowledge and impeccable writing skills. For more, follow her @ Facebook | Twitter