Contemporary Tech Used in the Parcel Industry
The logistics and parcel delivery industries are powered by a range of technologies, from the small-scale to the innovative. As the wold of effective delivery services continues to embrace new tech, it’s worth looking at some of the ways this technology is being used right now, as well as what’s to come in the future.
Here is a look at how couriers are ensuring a smooth delivery service every time.
Real-Time Tracking
Whether you’re sending packages domestically or shipping internationally, one of the main services you’re likely to look out for when choosing your courier service is the company’s tracking facility. Thanks to GPS, we can now follow our parcels’ journey every step of the way, and this tech is regularly implemented by national and global operators such as USPS.
While tracking tech is commonly used, there are advances being made to incorporate voice search. Amazon Echo tracking was introduced recently, so you’re now able to request an update without having to type in your search.
Digital Mailboxes
Being able to have your parcel sent to an electronic locker at your local supermarket has become one of the most convenient ways to collect your packages in recent years. Rather than having to head to the depot when you missed the delivery, these digital mailboxes make it easy to pick up your parcel while doing the weekly shop.
In order to gain access, they require a QR code or password in order to gain access, so the contents are secure until they are accessed.
Augmented Reality
Delivery solutions are joining the augmented reality trend. Augmented reality is already increasingly being used across a range of industries, and now courier services are making use of this tech. Smart devices scan barcodes, making processing large quantities easier and more efficient. As this data-capture tech advances, we are more likely to see deliveries speeding up in the future.
Delivery Drones
Drones are already being trialled for parcel delivery and if they become widely used, they’re set to become part of the everyday shipping process. Again, Amazon is pioneering this tech with its Prime Air quadcopter service.
Tests conducted recently revealed impressive delivery times from the quadcopter, with the tech dropping off items in under 13 minutes. In this instance, robots attach your order to the drone in the warehouse, send a message to you when your parcel is on the doorstep and conduct a face scan to ensure you’re the correct recipient.
What tech will you use for your next delivery? Are you intrigued by the used of drones or is tracking technology essential for the packages you send?