
Published on September 28th, 2016 | by Guest


Technology Trends in Business for 2016

All of us witness how fast the technology changes our habits and personal lives in general. Only some of us can reminisce what our lives looked like when there were no mobile phones around, let alone all other changes the ever improving technology caused. The changes we experience in our personal lives simultaneously converge into our professional careers and there are innovations practically every year, if not even more frequently. Keeping up with them is the only way to stay competitive and keep advancing. These are the business technology trends for 2016 every respectable business person should familiarize with.

Efficient use of Big Data


If you read at least two articles on business trends for 2015 you surely came across Big Data. And the predictions turned out to be solid. The companies quickly realized the potential of Big Data but there was a problem for the majority of them. They lacked the means of making the best use of the data gold mine that was available. Therefore, 2016 will be the year of predictive analytics and other tools that will enable business of all types to capitalize on Big Data, either by creating new market opportunities or making a shift in their target customers, to name just a few.

The domination of mobile continues

Last summer we witnessed the first time mobile searches surpassed the desktop search at Google. And, it was obvious that things are not stopping there. The domination of mobile continues in 2016, as well and only those companies that realize this on time will be able to take advantage of the fact and use the last opportunity to join the pioneers in the area. Mobile search optimization, staff training and mobile payment are the key areas that need to be tremendously improved in order to keep the pace with the imminent changes in the business conduct.

User experience stays vital


There is no better customer or service user than a satisfied and returning one. All of your clients or customers have at least one thing in common:  they all expect easy operation and task completion, from searching for goods or services to secure and swift payment. Honestly, they do not care and probably do not really understand what it takes to make all these thing happen, it is up to you to meet their expectations and motivate them to come back again. And, it is only those companies that excel in providing the best user experience that will make a visible progress compared to 2015.

Improved security


The proper and efficient use of all these technological advancements requires improved security. Both your company data and especially your client and customer data, particularly financial and personal ones, need to be fully and constantly secured.  Security monitoring needs to be put on a completely new level, from the entrance control at your company headquarters to online security covering all the data used to run your business. Therefore, take into strong consideration one of the latest automatic gate openers and always keep track of what are the best data protection services available. Yes, it will take some investment in both fields but they are absolutely necessary if you wish to have a fully secure business operation.

Any business that wishes to prosper needs to be prepared to follow the technology trends. If this following and adaptation to new developments is constant and timely there will be no problems. On the other hand, missing a thing or two often leads to falling behind in such extent that jumping back on track is either impossible or requires substantial investments. Do not put yourself in such a situation.

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