
Published on December 21st, 2016 | by Guest


7 Steps To Turn an Underperformer into a Star Employee!

The best leaders are those who can teach stars out of their own employees. If you happen to have someone in the office that is not performing the way you want them to, you need to give them a real morale boost. This way, they can contribute more to the company.

Even so, not many managers can go out of their busy schedule to make room for this. But they should make the time because in the end these are the people who are working for their company. To turn things around for your workers and your company, take heed of the following.


  • Have A Private Meeting

Sometimes, it is best to reason out the troubles of your workers where no one else has to partake in. Leaders should not bring up individual challenges during a staff meeting, even if it is happening at that moment. Doing so will only prompt them to respond defensively.

What you should do instead, is to schedule a time and a place to meet for only between you two. There, you can address the problem or issue in full detail.


  • Determine The Problem

There are some challenges that are easy to address. For example, if the employee arrives to work by 15 or 30 minutes late, it will be easier for you to break it to them as to why tardiness is unacceptable. But the irregularities in work and a complacent attitude are complex and take more time to overcome.

It could be the way they do their work. They perform well but are perhaps perceived as rude by others. Maybe they usually are properly dressed but are then seen untidy during client meetings. Whatever the issue is, you need to show them what is proper. Also, ask them personally about what their problems could be.


  • Develop A Resolution Plan With Your Employee

Now comes the time you help your employee at improving in what they do. You have to work together to find ways in which you can make the necessary improvements. As the manager, you must communicate clearly with your employees; provide measurable outcomes and also reasonable timeframes.


  • Ensure You Are On Their Side

Addressing the underperformance of your team is the first step of deciding whether you not you should consider firing them. You know this and they know it as well. They will likely get nervous as soon as they begin to feel the onus of their guilt.  

They don’t know whether you are there to lift them up or simply look for a reason to let them off. This is where you need to give them assurance that you are only trying to help them with their problems. Give them the confidence in making up for their poor performances and how they can still make it work.


  • Get A Commitment To Certain Improvements

When all is said and done, you and your employee should leave the office with a clear idea about what you should do next. For example, they will look into their child-care duties more diligently so that they can arrive to work sooner. Maybe there is something you can do on your own end to provide them with more support.

Not everything has to be done on the dot. Just work on the smaller changes for now to boost their confidence.


  • Monitor Their Progress And Provide Feedback


It is important to conduct a review of sorts to ensure your employee is showing significant improvement in their performances. Schedule regular meetings to review your workers on how they are doing. By providing feedback and support, you can encourage your employees in the right direction.

Also, do not forget to recognize and congratulate them on their efforts and improvements.


  • Avoid Personal Attacks

If you are going to address a personal issue with your employee, try to avoid igniting an argument and only address the person’s behavior. To be frank, try to handle the situation without having them perceive it as a personal attack. Pick your words carefully, do not use profane words and don’t lose your temper.

Listen to what your employee has to say and work out a solution for them.


Author Bio:

Anna Jones works as an HR Manager at Best Assignment writing help firm. In her blogs, she discusses the different ways an HR professional can tackle the affairs of human resource management. Find her on Facebook | Twitter | Google+.

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