
Published on October 7th, 2016 | by Guest


How to Be Prepared To Handle Anything While Traveling Abroad

Traveling to new places can be thrilling, but it can also be a bit stressful at times. Very quickly you can find yourself in an emergency situation and you always want to be prepared. When looking to experience a new place, new culture or new country, the last thing that you want to worry about is getting delayed because of a rookie mistake (like forgetting your boarding pass in the bathroom). Luckily, nowadays there are many tools to make your travels go smoother than ever and many of them can be found on your cell phone.


Staying Found

Sometimes, it’s fun to designate one of your travel days to intentionally getting lost. Other times, you can find yourself accidentally loss and need to get back to your hotel as quickly as humanly possible. Luckily, your cell phone can be your most useful tool for this. You can take pictures along your route to help find your way back or most smart phones come with equipped with a map app, or you can download one that can be used offline, that will allow you to locate yourself and direct you to your next desired stop. You can place a pin at your hostel to easily find your way back from wherever it is that you have wandered or look up the closest coffee shop to where you are currently standing.

What Language Barrier?

Communicating in a foreign country can be a struggle and can put you in a bad situation if you find yourself lost or needing help. As long as you keep your phone handy, you should never find yourself suffering from a language barrier in any country. You may, however, find it difficult to find reliable internet while traveling abroad. Consider trying out one the apps that allows you to use them without Wi-Fi. We recommend the Bing Translator App, Ultralingua or Jibbigo. Siri, on the iPhone, will even translate phrases for you but it does require you to be connected to internet access. If you are looking to further your skills and not just “get by” with your piecemeal phrase, you can also download apps that will teach you another language, such as Rosetta Stone.

Insurance For Comfort

Before you take off flying across borders, you may want to further prepare for your travels by insuring your belongings, your flight and your health care, especially when traveling in third world countries. You can buy traveler’s insurance that will cover the loss of your baggage or a stolen phone. It won’t get your bag returned to you if it gets lost in customs, but it will allow you to buy new items if they aren’t recovered. You can also get travelers insurance that provides you with health coverage in any country that you may travel to. If you have the recalled Samsung Galaxy Note7, be sure to swap it for its safe version for a camera so stellar that you can take high-quality pictures the bar codes on items such as your laptop before setting off on your adventure. This way, you’ll have them to submit to your insurance company in the event you find yourself without them. It is best to be prepared for anything may come your way while traveling abroad!

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